About Me

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I am a passionate lady, who enjoys learning and being creative. My website, www.Eternal-Images.org.uk

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Xenia Seurat - Photography...?

So I have finally entered the world of weblogs... it has been something I have frantically avioded for many months now... but the inevitable has happened and I have brought my photography into a "blog" I am still pretty much in over my head with "blogs" having only actually read a couple and never before made my own, for those of you who need to find me... Google search "Xenia Seurat" or hey I actually have a number of web sites... one of which is http://eternal-images.org.uk/ nothing flashy and not even my best work but C'est la vie eh!

Hmm, I guess I should add an image or two to this first post incase anyone actually decides to stop by they might actually stay a while and look, so here we are my latest two creations...

"The Painter"

With thanks to my lovely model Gestalta, shot in Xativa - Spain. The inspiration for this piece came from a painting, but it is far from the original, and Male face is also photography by myself, other images come from various deviant art members and stock pages, (all names available on request).

My second piece (and actually my current favourite) is...

"Pensive Thoughts"

This is taken purely from my own emotions, feelings of doubt, isolation ad inadequacy plague me and this comes from deep within. My model here is Dave Lap, and to him for this piece I am thankful. All photography in this is my own, all but the grass which is from CGTextures.

Well to that end I will sign off for now, knowing not where this will end or to what purpose, but my own...
Kind regards to all and thank you for dropping by. x

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